Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Antioxidants Versus Free Radicals - The Battle Inside Our Bodies

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It seems as though today in the world of low carb, low net carb, trans fats, and omega-3 oils, you need to have a degree in biochemistry just to know what you're eating. Among these beloved marketed food molecules are "antioxidants". Even gum commercials now are exclaiming that their gum contains antioxidants to fight "free radicals". What are antioxidants? What are free radicals? What do they have to do with a healthier you?

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How is Antioxidants Versus Free Radicals - The Battle Inside Our Bodies

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Antioxidants and Aging

As your body's machinery burns sugars, turning them into usable vigor for each and every cell, a plume of sparks shower out from the power plants of the cell, the mitochondria. These "sparks" of metabolism are called free radicals. Free radicals leave a trail of burn holes throughout the various parts of the cell as fuel is burned to produce energy. The cell wall and even the Dna can come under sufficient irreparable damage that the cell will at last die; being supplanted by then another. In one of the most leading theories about the aging process, it is largely suitable that each cell is programmed, since conception, to divide and replace itself a finite amount of times. Once it's done, that cell will no longer replace itself. Ultimately, the organ, either it is your skin, your liver, or your heart, will suffer the loss until that organ stops functioning. Our skin becomes loose and thin. Our digestive principles has mystery digesting food. Our heart's quality to beat at last becomes diminished. However, the rate at which we age is not thoroughly out of our hands.

While overuse of any body part results in its aging, food plays a mountainous role in our body's quality to protect our cells. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, thoughprovoking their vigor before they have time to do any damage. Like wee fire extinguishers, antioxidants put out sparks before they can start any fires. This results in less damage to cells; allowing our skin to age slower, our digestive principles to continue to digest our food efficiently, and our heart to beat a wee longer. In this way, antioxidants slow the aging process by protecting our cells from free radical damage; decreasing the amount of times a cell must turn itself over.

Antioxidants and Cancer

There are many claims about antioxidants being able to forestall cancer. While, easily a lofty claim, more study about the origin of cancerous cells on a genetic level adds more weight to this concept. Free radicals do damage to many parts of a cell, including the blueprint that tells the cell how to operate, the Dna. As free radicals damage more and more of the code encrypted in our Dna, the message about the details of the cell's day to day operations becomes increasingly inaccurate. This can follow in a cell going rogue and growing out of control. The end follow is a group of hungry, quickly replicating cells that we refer to as a tumor.

Antioxidants not only protect the Dna by defending it against free radical damage, they also boost the operation of cancer killing cells of immunity. Natural Killer Cells are specialized white blood cells whose job is self explanatory; seek and destroy cancerous cells. Cancerous cells are constantly being made in each of our bodies. These special cells keep them from gaining sufficient drive to come to be full blown tumors. Antioxidants are able protect us by not only fighting to forestall the growth of cancerous cells, but by boosting the immune principles that takes care of the ones that come to fruition as well.

Antioxidants and Exercise

The health effects of quarterly practice are best realized in the type of practice known as "aerobic". Aerobic practice involves the type of operation that uses oxygen to burn fuel. Running, biking, swimming, and most sports, all involve practice that induces heavy breathing. Your body demands more oxygen to meet the vigor demands of the constant movement that these activities require. While the health benefits of aerobic practice include an increased metabolism, great cardiovascular and reasoning health, thoughprovoking in this type of practice is a double-edged sword.

Free radicals are created as a follow of oxidative (aka aerobic) metabolism of sugars and fats. By increasing this type of metabolism, the follow is also an increased production of free radicals. It is for this infer quarterly practice must be accompanied by a diet rich in antioxidants. Often, elite athletes who do not take antioxidants into notice during aerobic operation due to a calorie restrictive diet, end up with joints that wear out prematurely. The tissues that make up the joints must rapidly turn over due to constant use during exercise. The increased production in free radicals during aerobic practice takes its toll as well. The follow is a joint that ages beyond its years. It is for this infer that practice must all the time be accompanied by a diet rich in nutrients, such as antioxidants, to compensate for the damage done by aerobic metabolism. So, to sass the question, "which is more important, diet or exercise?" the sass is simply, "yes".

What Are They, and How Do They Work?

Antioxidants come in many forms. Some we must get straight through our diet and others our body makes itself. Some are great than others at development their own, and therefore leave a genetic susceptibility, or capability, to deal with free radical damage. They come as vitamins, minerals, and enzymes; each protecting separate parts of each cell. Vitamins A, C, and E are probably the most well known antioxidants. Co-enzyme Q10 is also gaining recognition as the "catalytic converter" of your cells, reducing the free radical pollution given off by aerobic metabolism. Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Selenium and other fun-to-say words, are all working to protect your cells from this type of damage. But before getting excited about the added vitamin C in your soft drink, it's leading to understand how they work.

In a game of hot potato, you pass around a hot potato as fast as you can so it doesn't burn your hands. As we pass the hot potato around, the air slowly cools it to the point where it is much easier to handle. Antioxidants play hot potato with free radicals in a similar way. Vitamin C will grab the free radical, thoughprovoking some of its energy, before quickly passing it off to Vitamin A. Vitamin A will give it to Vitamin E and so on until it is neutralized. You see, in taking on the free radical, these vitamins in of themselves come to be a weaker free radical. It is for this infer that supplementing with antioxidants must be done in combinations. Occasionally, studies will be published exclaiming antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, are ineffective. Commonly, these studies were done supplementing with only Vitamin C; clearly negating the synergistic mechanisms antioxidants wish to have an effect.

Throughout our daily routine we are constantly exposed to air pollution, toxic metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons (i.e. Splenda®), and cigarette smoke; all things that generate cell damaging free radicals in increasing to our own natural metabolism. The equilibrium must be kept by introducing antioxidants straight through our diet in order to promote our body's longevity. The fruits and vegetables that include these nutrients are drastically diminishing from view in the American diet. As a result, our health has suffered on a national level. Currently ranked 37th out of 191 in health, agreeing to the World health Organization, America is spending over 2.1 trillion dollars on health care every year. Reintroducing foods high in nutrients, such as antioxidants, and low in calories is imperative to utter a level of health that increases our quality of life. It should be clear that a diet high in antioxidant rich foods may be just what the doctor ordered.

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